We’ve updated our website homepage!

Introducing the new ISO homepage! ISO New England has updated the way it shares information on its website, iso-ne.com.

“A reliable power system and efficient wholesale markets depend on reliable information,” said Ellen Foley, the ISO’s director of corporate, media & web communications. “So connecting market participants, government stakeholders, and others to this information in a timely and efficient way is a big part of our job.”

The company’s website changes include the addition of an updated homepage, a new online document library, and a refreshed online newsletter—all to make searching for content and data easier than ever. Changes were based on a variety of inputs including:

  • Listening to market participant feedback
  • Monitoring frequently visited pages
  • Studying best practices of other data-driven websites

The refreshed homepage and ISO Newswire became live on Tuesday, October 6.

Inside ISO New England