ISO-NE issues 2025 Annual Work Plan

ISO New England has issued its 2025 Annual Work Plan, outlining anchor projects and other notable initiatives for the coming year.

Anchor projects are designated as the highest-priority initiatives to advance a reliable clean energy transition and signify the ISO’s commitment to those efforts and their objectives:

  • Capacity Auction Reforms (CAR): Designing and implementing a set of distinct, highly complex initiatives that restructure the capacity market and resource accreditation models to ensure system reliability and cost-effectiveness in step with grid transformation
  • Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold (REST): Innovating ways to identify and address reliability risks from extreme weather events as grid supply and demand trends change
  • Longer-Term Transmission Planning (LTTP) and Generator Interconnection Compliance, Implementations, and Enhancements: Executing the first LTTP competitive solicitation to help meet state clean-energy goals (in connection with the 2050 Transmission Study); continuing compliance with and implementation of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order Nos. 1920 and 2023; and other related, ongoing enhancements
  • Technology for Critical Market and Reliability Initiatives: Developing the software and systems needed to implement the Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative (DASI) and FERC Order No. 881; ongoing development of the nGEM real-time market clearing engine that is foundational to supporting an exponentially more complex system

The Annual Work Plan is published each fall and updated each spring. The ISO solicits input from stakeholders by sharing and discussing the plan with the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee, as well as representatives of the New England states through the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECPUC) and the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE). Ultimately, the work plan helps inform the ISO’s annual budget.

Inside ISO New England
annual work plan