Customer readiness: Prepare for pay-for-performance, price-responsive demand, and other upcoming market changes

ISO New England has launched two new customer readiness pages to help market participants prepare for major adjustments to ISO systems and processes starting June 2018. The webpages detail deadlines customers must meet, scheduled sandbox sessions, related trainings, and technical documentation.

Price-Responsive Demand (PRD) Project

The ISO has been a leader in integrating demand-response resources and will complete this process in June. The PRD Project will enable demand response resources (DRRs) to participate in the energy and reserve markets and to be eligible for Forward Capacity Market (FCM) shortage event penalties or credits, as well as peak energy rents. Changes are coming for the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS), eMarket, remote terminal unit (RTU), and more.

Forward Capacity Market Pay-for-Performance (FCM PFP) Project

Starting June 1, 2018, capacity payments will reward power resources that make investments to successfully boost performance during periods of system stress. Resources that don’t perform will forfeit capacity payments. This change will affect many ISO systems and processes, including financial assurance management, settlements, and SMD applications.

Customer Readiness 12-Month Outlook

Visit this page regularly for an overview of:

  • Major upcoming projects that could affect your organization over the next 12 months
  • Target launch dates for each project
  • The customers who will be affected
  • The ISO systems affected

These and other customer readiness pages are all easily reachable using the navigation menu that appears at the top of the website under Support on the Participate tab:


Other resources that help keep market participants informed

The ISO regularly undertakes projects across the areas of grid operations, markets, and power system planning to both keep pace with industry changes and continuously improve its services to the region. Projects are developed through an open stakeholder process.

  • Interested in seeing all the projects the ISO has planned? Visit the Annual Work Plan page to view the ISO’s major priorities and activities for the year. The plan includes information such as the expected timelines and objectives for each type of project across the organization: planning/operations projects, market projects, and capital projects.
  • Use the Wholesale Markets Project Plan page as a guide to follow ISO projects specific to the region’s wholesale electricity marketplace from introduction to implementation.
Inside ISO New England, Market Participant Announcements
demand resources, forward capacity market, market development, website