ISO-NE staff receive IEEE Reliability Society company recognition award

Xiaochuan Luo, right, manager of Power System Technology at ISO New England, receives a company recognition award from Dr. Steven Li, a professor at Western New England University and 2022–2024 president of the IEEE Reliability Society. 

The IEEE Reliability Society recently honored ISO New England staff with a company recognition award, highlighting the ISO’s outstanding contributions to the field of reliability engineering.  

The award was given to the ISO’s Advanced Technology Solutions (ATS) team, headed by Chief Technologist Tongxin Zheng, an IEEE fellow. ATS develops new and improved technologies to ensure the ISO maintains its high standard of reliability as the grid’s resource mix evolves.  

The team developed the Probabilistic Energy Adequacy Tool, which allows the ISO to more accurately assess energy security and advance the development of new reliability metrics for the region. ATS is also formulating new accreditation methods for the Capacity Auction Reforms project, which will better assess resources’ contributions to reliability, particularly as the region transitions to more solar, wind, and battery storage.

“The Advanced Technology Solutions team’s work is critical in using innovation and mathematical rigor to navigate the needs of the evolving power grid,” said Vamsi Chadalavada, the ISO’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. “Their work is wide ranging in its impact—from system operations and planning to wholesale markets and information technology. They are a tremendous asset to the organization and the region.” 

Xiaochuan Luo, manager, Power System Technology, representing ATS, delivered the keynote address at the IEEE Reliability Society’s March 2025 meeting at Western New England University (WNEU). His remarks included insights into advancements driving the region’s energy future, like increases in renewables, and the ISO’s responsibility to stay at the forefront of new trends and technologies. 

In his presentation of the award, IEEE Reliability Society President Steven Li recognized the ISO team for “continuing the journey towards innovation and excellence to address grid reliability challenges during the clean energy transition.” 

The keynote address and award form part of the team’s ongoing collaboration with the IEEE Reliability Society and IEEE-HKN honor society at WNEU. Student interns from WNEU have made important contributions to the ISO’s work in recent years, and the society provides a vital space in which to discuss and develop reliability metrics for many different sectors, including the energy industry. 

Inside ISO New England