ISO Minute: Meet ISO New England’s first policy advisor for environmental and community affairs

ISO Minute is a video series featuring ISO New England employees speaking about their experiences working for the region’s independent system operator and supporting the safe and reliable transition to clean energy.

In this ISO Minute, meet Ruben Flores-Marzan, ISO New England’s first policy advisor for environmental and community affairs, a role created in response to the growing interest in regional energy issues among community groups. Ruben’s appointment follows a request from five New England states for the ISO to hire a staff member focused on environmental justice.

With years of experience in stakeholder engagement, Flores-Marzan is well positioned to bolster the ISO’s outreach efforts to policymakers, regulators, and the public on important community energy issues. His insights will help guide ISO staff and senior management in understanding the environmental impacts of the energy industry and navigating the intersections with the ISO’s responsibilities.

ISO New England is the first regional transmission organization in the country to establish such a position.

ISO Minute: Conoce a Rubén Flores-Marzán el primer asesor de pólítica pública en asuntos ambientales y comunitarios de ISO Nueva Inglaterra

Inside ISO New England
ISO Minute