ISO-NE releases spring update to 2024 Annual Work Plan

ISO New England has issued the spring update to its 2024 Annual Work Plan, outlining major progress on anchor projects and other notable initiatives designed to ensure power system reliability while supporting state clean energy goals.
The updated work plan illustrates possible paths forward during the remainder of 2024 for the Resource Capacity Accreditation project and capacity market reforms. It also notes that other key projects, including implementing the Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative, remain on track.
Meanwhile, work is just beginning on development of a Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold (REST), which will define an acceptable level of reliability risk relative to severe weather events impacting grid operations. REST will provide the region with additional tools for gauging energy adequacy, supplementing existing reliability standards.
Each update to the plan underscores the ISO’s innovative work in collaboration with stakeholders across the region. In the coming months, the ISO will begin work on the 2025 Annual Work Plan. This process includes soliciting input from the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee, as well as representatives of the states through the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECPUC) and the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE). Ultimately, the work plan helps inform the ISO’s annual budget.
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- annual work plan, wholesale markets