ISO-NE issues latest update to Wholesale Markets Project Plan
ISO New England has published the latest edition of its Wholesale Markets Project Plan (WMPP), which lists the status of 18 market initiatives as of December 2023. Published every summer and winter, the WMPP is a companion piece to the ISO’s Annual Work Plan, which is published in the spring and fall.
ISO New England undertakes many projects and initiatives for the continued development of the region’s wholesale electricity markets. Major ongoing projects include compliance with FERC Order No. 2023, which involves reforms to generator interconnection procedures and agreements, and resource capacity accreditation, which will update the Forward Capacity Market’s accreditation processes to support a reliable clean energy transition by better reflecting individual reliability contributions from the region’s evolving resource mix. The WMPP includes a Gantt chart visualizing the timelines for these and other projects.
Stakeholders can follow market projects from introduction to implementation on the WMPP webpage, which consolidates access to the Annual Work Plan, WMPP, key projects, a listing of completed market design projects, the NEPOOL Markets Committee Two-Month Look-Ahead Forecast, and Markets Committee meeting agendas and materials. Quick links to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filings and orders and the ISO’s Participant Readiness Project Outlook page are also available to further inform and support market participants and others looking to track market-related projects.

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