ISO-NE updates web browser standards and support

A year ago, ISO New England revised its web browser support policies following Microsoft’s announcement that support of Internet Explorer (IE) was ending on June 15, 2022. As part of the transition away from IE, participants were encouraged to move to Chromium-based Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer (IE) mode enabled.

The web browser policy and support guidelines have been updated once more to reflect the discontinuation of support for IE. Note also that IE will no longer be available to ISO New England support staff to troubleshoot problems with using IE to access ISO systems. 

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are now the supported browsers participants may use to interact with ISO New England websites and services. Other browsers and versions older than those detailed in the browser requirements may work, but ISO New England will not research issues with browsers other than Chrome and Edge.

General browser requirements vary between the corporate website and SMD applications, with the SMD browser requirements being more stringent. Please refer to the following documents for further details:

Please direct any questions to ISO New England Participant Support and Solutions at (413) 540-4220.

Market Participant Announcements