ISO-NE issues statement regarding MOPR decision

ISO New England released the following statement today following the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision regarding a proposal to remove the minimum offer price rule (MOPR) from the region’s forward capacity market:

We’re pleased that the Commission saw this proposal for what it is–a reasonable step forward on New England’s transition to a decarbonized future. Despite claims to the contrary, this transition will provide a clear path for clean energy resources ready to enter the market over the next two auctions, while affording the region time to tackle other needed market reforms. That is why it was supported by a diverse group of stakeholders. With the transition proposal and long-term reforms approved, ISO New England, the New England states, and stakeholders can focus on the work necessary to ensure that the future grid is a reliable one.

More information on the proposal, and the history of the MOPR, is available here.

Industry News & Developments
forward capacity market, future grid