ISO-NE releases spring update to 2022 Annual Work Plan

ISO New England has issued the spring update to its 2022 Annual Work Plan, providing updates on major priorities for the year that are designed to improve upon ISO systems, practices, and services to New England. The update underscores the ISO’s and the region’s continued focus on advancing a reliable clean-energy transition through innovation and collaboration.
The updated work plan refines the scopes and schedules for the resource capacity accreditation and day-ahead ancillary services projects, while noting that other projects, such as those related to New England’s Future Grid Initiative, remain largely on the schedule laid out in the work plan’s fall publication.
In the coming months, the ISO will begin work on the 2023 Annual Work Plan. This process includes soliciting input from stakeholders by sharing and discussing it with the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee, and representatives of the New England states through the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners (NECPUC) and the New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE). Ultimately, the work plan helps inform the ISO’s annual budget.
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- annual work plan, future grid, wholesale markets