Registration open for Introduction to Wholesale Electricity Markets (WEM 101) webinar

Registration is now open for the Introduction to Wholesale Electricity Markets (WEM 101) webinar, scheduled for April 25-28, 2022. The course fee is $600.
This is a virtual course about the New England wholesale electricity markets including an introduction to the Forward Capacity Market. It is intended for individuals who are new to the New England wholesale electricity markets or who need a refresher. The instructors are ISO New England subject matter experts. More information on this webinar can be found on ISO-TEN.
Important to note: The course includes self-paced training assignments to be completed independently:
- ISO 101 Online: The Power System and ISO New England (18 minutes) / must be completed by April 22, 2022
- ISO 101 Online: Introduction to System Operations (29 minutes) / must be completed by April 22, 2022
- ISO 101 Online: Introduction to System Planning (37 minutes) / must be completed by April 22, 2022
- External Transactions (37 minutes) / must be completed by April 26, 2022
On April 18, you will receive an email with links for each of these self-paced training assignments.
Attendance on all five days and completion of self-paced training assignments are required for course credit.
Reminder: Numerous mailing lists are available for ISO New England customers including an ISO Training list. By subscribing to this list, you will receive prompt notification of any new market training events as they are announced. Join now!
Email questions to the Participant Services Training Team.