ISO-NE CEO highlights importance of wholesale market and transmission planning evolution

Throughout the month of November, ISO New England President & CEO Gordon van Welie continued to stress that a responsive wholesale electricity market design and transmission investments are needed to achieve a reliable and clean energy future.
Focusing on the ISO’s Vision Statement, Gordon presented at virtual events hosted by the New England-Canada Business Council (NECBC) on November 12, the Connecticut Power & Energy Society on November 18, and the New England Energy Summit (hosted by the New England Power Generators Association) on November 30. His slides from the NECBC event are representative of the three presentations.
To harness the power of competition and advanced technologies to reliably plan and operate the grid as the region transitions to clean energy.
ISO New England’s Vision Statement
Gordon also highlighted the ISO’s longer-term strategic goals, which give context to and guide the company’s Annual Work Plan. For 2021, the ISO plans to modify traditional transmission planning parameters, partner with the states to evaluate future transmission scenarios, and evaluate wholesale market design concepts (e.g., studying potential market design concepts such as a forward clean energy market and net carbon pricing).
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