ISO New England elects slate of board members

Mark Vannoy, VP at Maine Water and former chair of Maine PUC joins; Brook Colangelo and Roberto Denis re-elected
ISO New England announces the election of its 2020 board of directors. The slate includes two incumbent directors, Brook Colangelo and Roberto Denis, and a new director, Mark Vannoy (pictured). Vannoy will join the board on October 1, 2020, replacing retiring board member, Christopher Wilson.

Welcoming new director, Mark Vannoy
“We are thrilled to welcome Mark to the ISO New England board,” said ISO board chair, Kathleen Q. Abernathy. “His background as chair of the Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC), where he was entrusted with protecting Maine consumers, ensures Mark will bring unique experiences and perspectives to the board. His candidacy was also supported by representatives from all six New England states.”
“As the region continues its rapid transition to clean energy, Mark brings a wealth of first-hand knowledge of the many perspectives that exist around planning for New England’s energy future,” said Gordon van Welie, president and CEO of ISO New England. “This, combined with his expertise in critical infrastructure planning, security, and management, will strengthen the ISO’s decision-making for the nearly 15 million people who call New England home.”
Vannoy is currently vice president at Maine Water and has a strong record of serving customers, employees, and communities while protecting public health and safety.
“It’s an honor to join the board of ISO New England during this pivotal time for the energy industry, the environment, and those looking to the ISO for reliable, affordable, and increasingly cleaner energy,” said Vannoy. “I look forward to engaging with my board colleagues and others who are seeking to address New England’s energy challenges and opportunities.”
A history of service
Before joining Maine Water in 2019, Mark served as chairperson of the Maine Public Utilities Commission. Vannoy’s service on the Maine PUC began in June 2012 and concluded at the completion of his term in 2019. His commission service included four years as chair, and he adjudicated more than 2,200 cases involving electric, gas, and water utilities. He also served as a board member of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, a member of the Critical Infrastructure and Water Committees, and board chair of the New England Utility Cybersecurity Information Collaborative.
Vannoy proudly served in the US military for 20 years and is a retired US Navy officer. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and holds a master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering from Cornell University.
More about the board
Each member of the ISO’s 10-member board holds expertise in areas crucial to the successful planning, management, and reliable operation of the region’s power grid and competitive wholesale energy markets. Board members, like the ISO’s executives and employees, must comply with the organization’s Code of Conduct, to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure impartiality toward market participants. Board members are limited to three, three-year terms of board service.
Retiring Member—Christopher Wilson
Christopher Wilson’s departure from the board follows a three-term (nine-year) record of service that began in 2011. Wilson brought a keen and analytical perspective on business and finance to the board. He served on each of the board’s six committees, including as chairs of the Audit and Finance and Compensation and Human Resources committees. His focus on advancing risk management through board oversight provided exceptional value to the ISO, driving enhancements in the critical areas of cybersecurity and third party risk mitigation.
Elected to a second term—Brook Colangelo
Brook Colangelo, re-elected to a second three-year term, is vice president and chief information officer for Waters Corporation, the world’s leading specialty measurement company serving the life, materials, and food sciences industries for more than 60 years. Colangelo is responsible for driving global IT and digital business transformation. He previously served as executive vice president and first-ever chief technology officer for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), one of world’s leading education companies. There, he led the transformation of the company’s new online teaching and learning platform. Before HMH, he served as chief information officer of the White House under President Barack Obama, responsible for modernizing, securing, and managing all aspects of the technology platforms and infrastructure supporting the first-ever digitally connected president of the United States. Earlier in his career, he led technology for the American Red Cross’ HurricaneRecovery Program. Colangelo is a founding member of the Boston Chief Information Officer Council and is a graduate of The George Washington University.
Elected to a third term—Roberto R. Denis
Roberto R. Denis, elected to his third and final term, has more than 40 years of experience in the electricity industry. He retired as senior vice president for NV Energy in 2013, where he led the company’s system dispatch, transmission, distribution, engineering, and project management functions. While in this role, he developed and built the One-Nevada Transmission line, creating a single balancing authority for the state. Previously, Denis served for 30 years in various positions at Florida Power and Light (FPL), the Sunshine State’s largest electric utility serving five million homes and businesses. His role before leaving the company was vice president of market and regulatory affairs for FPL Energy, where he directed regulatory strategy for the construction and operation of independent power projects throughout the US. He also analyzed emerging market structures and participated in stakeholder forums within various ISO/RTO footprints. He holds a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
About the board selection process
The ISO elects its board members through a nominating process that involves representatives from the ISO New England Board of Directors, the New England Power Pool(NEPOOL), and the New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners. Candidates also receive the endorsement of the NEPOOL Participants Committee. For more information about ISO New England, including its corporate governance, visit
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