Interconnecting step-by-step

ISO-NE launches online how-to guide for interconnecting generators and elective transmission upgrades to the New England power system

As a Regional Transmission Organization, the ISO coordinates how transmission lines, power plants, and other resources connect to and operate on New England’s administered transmission system to ensure reliability and facilitate wholesale electricity market participation. With lots of moving pieces, the process to interconnect to the system can be daunting for prospective interconnection customers (ICs) needing to dive in for the first time. To make the process more understandable, the ISO has launched a concise web-based Interconnection Process Guide.

Because the ISO does not administer the interconnection process for projects subject to state interconnection processes, the guide first directs potential customers through a basic flowchart to help determine which process applies. For projects required to enter the ISO interconnection queue, the guide leads the IC through the five main steps of the process, as follows:

  • Registering for an Interconnection Request Tracking Tool (IRTT) account—requesting a customer ID and access to critical energy infrastructure information and using the IRTT to submit interconnection requests (IRs) for proposed generators and elective transmission upgrades
  • Submitting an interconnection request—gathering relevant information for the project, deciding on the type of interconnection services that can be requested, and submitting an IR
  • Undergoing the interconnection study process—preparing for the scoping meeting and the various required and optional interconnection studies (and other requirements) for assessing the impact of adding the project on the power system and identifying facilities or upgrades needed for interconnecting the project safely and in accordance with reliability requirements
  • Executing an Interconnection Agreement (IA)—learning about the governing rules, timelines, and milestones for developing and executing an IA
  • Registering the asset—submitting final data and registering the asset after the interconnection studies have been completed

Links to relevant governing documents, other resources and tools, and a glossary of interconnection-related acronyms are accessible on each webpage of the guide. For additional information, users can also email IRTT Customer Support at or contact ISO Customer Support.

Is the ISO New England Interconnection Process Right for You?

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