ISO-NE presents efforts on market solutions for energy security at FERC public meeting

In July of 2018, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) directed ISO New England to file permanent revisions to its market rules that would address long-term regional energy security concerns, due on October 15, 2019. On April 22, 2019, the ISO, the New England States Committee on Electricity, and the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee jointly requested a public meeting to share with FERC staff information about efforts to develop these proposed market revisions without violating the Commission’s ex parte rules.

The day-long public meeting, which was webcast, convened on July 15, 2019, at FERC headquarters in Washington, DC. The staff-led session consisted of three 90-minute presentations by ISO New England, NEPOOL stakeholders, and representatives from New England states. ISO Chief Economist Matt White and Director of Market Development Chris Parent offered a robust presentation on the ISO’s steady work toward meeting FERC’s directive, after which they answered questions from the Commission staff and Commissioners.

ISO-NE’s Chris Parent and Matt White at FERC

Industry News & Developments
energy adequacy, FERC