Wind and hydro resources incorporated into the Day-Ahead Energy Market with second phase of Do Not Exceed Dispatch project

Another milestone in ISO-NE’s efforts to efficiently integrate renewable resources 

Effective June 1, 2019, the region’s wind- and intermittent hydro-powered generators with a capacity supply obligation are required to start offering into the Day-Ahead Energy Market. Three years ago, the ISO launched the Do Not Exceed (DNE) Dispatch Project that enabled these resources to participate in the Real-Time Energy Markets and begin taking electronic dispatch instructions from ISO New England for the first time. These changes facilitated the ability of renewable resources to set real-time prices, improved price formation, and increased system use of low-cost renewables in areas with limited transmission capacity. Requiring DNE dispatchable resources to participate in the Day-Ahead Energy Market will lead to a more accurate commitment of resources and an improvement in the price convergence between the day-ahead and real-time markets. Learn more about how do-not-exceed dispatch helps accommodate the integration of intermittent, renewable generation. Also view our Spotlight video on incorporating wind resources into the wholesale markets.

Inside ISO New England