ISO-NE responds to FERC’s grid resilience order

ISO New England has filed its response to the January 8, 2018, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Resilience Order.  The ISO’s response focuses on the most significant challenge for the New England bulk power system’s resilience – fuel security– or the assurance that power plants will have or be able to obtain the fuel they need to run during winter as coal, oil, and nuclear units retire, fuel infrastructure is constrained, and permits to operating dual-fuel generating capability remain difficult to obtain. The ISO  is  already  at  the  forefront  of  this  issue, having issued its Operational Fuel Security Analysis in January. In its March 9 response, the ISO requests the Commission afford the ISO time to work with regional stakeholders to develop a long-term solution to the fuel-security challenges. The response, however, indicates that, should circumstances dictate, the ISO will take the necessary actions to address near-term reliability risks. These topics are also covered in the ISO’s 2018 Regional Electricity Outlook.

Industry News & Developments
energy adequacy, FERC