ISO, NEPOOL make joint filing regarding full integration of demand response

On July 27, the ISO, joined by the New England Power Pool Participants Committee, jointly submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) revisions to Market Rule 1 to fully integrate demand response into New England’s wholesale electricity markets on June 1, 2018. This filing represents the latest, and final, in a series of filings that began with the ISO’s Order No. 745 compliance filing.  

With the full integration of demand response these resources will have the ability to (1) participate directly in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Energy Markets; (2) provide Operating Reserve and participate directly in the Forward Reserve Market; and (3) receive obligations and compensation in the Forward Capacity Market that are full comparable with dispatchable resources.  Among other items, the tariff revisions specifically relate to: energy market offers, price formation and settlements; provisions for spinning reserves; and the Forward Capacity Market. These revisions were unanimously supported by NEPOOL’s technical committees and were similarly unanimously supported by the NEPOOL Participants Committee (with one abstention).  If approved by FERC, these market rule changes will be effective June 1, 2018.  

To learn more, read: New England readies to move ahead with full integration of demand response after SCOTUS decision.

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