New ISO-NE webpage highlights the growing impact of solar power across the six states

Heat maps and load profiles illustrate solar power’s growing effects on the regional power system and grid operations

ISO New England is pleased to announce a new webpage, Solar Power in New England. Explore how solar power capacity is expected to grow, see how it’s already reducing the amount of electricity demanded from the grid at certain times of day, and learn why this creates challenges for ISO forecasting and grid operations.

The new webpage also features load profiles illustrating how growing amounts of solar power will affect grid demand by season—and why solar power doesn’t help meet peak demand for electricity in winter.

You can also explore heat maps depicting installed solar power capacity by town across New England. 

This new webpage is part of the ISO’s continuing efforts to help regional stakeholders understand the ongoing transformation of the industry and related challenges to the reliable supply of electricity. For more information, see the Regional Electricity Outlook.

Industry News & Developments
forecast, renewable resources, solar, transmission planning