RSP15 Public Forum featured keynote by Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker takes questions from the audience following his keynote address
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and representatives from the electric industry met to discuss regional energy challenges at the 2015 Regional System Plan Public Meeting at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston on September 10, 2015. ISO New England holds the meeting annually to review the draft Regional System Plan, a comprehensive report on the status of the region’s power grid and trends for the next 10 years.
Governor Baker delivered the keynote address which focused on his administration’s efforts to work with the New England states to lower electric rates and promote innovation. The Governor highlighted Massachusetts’ initiatives to promote cleaner energy and fielded questions about importing electricity from large-scale hydroelectric generators and the need for additional natural gas infrastructure. Governor Baker is Vice-Chair of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG).
These themes were also addressed by a panel of industry experts who discussed ways in which New England can achieve both public policy goals and economically efficient outcomes. Chris Wilson a member of the ISO New England Board of directors moderated the panel, which included Katie Dykes, Deputy Commissioner for Energy, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; Bob Hayes, Vice President of Natural Gas Trading at Calpine Corporation; Edward Krapels, Founder and Director of Anbaric Transmission; and Tanya Bodell, Executive Director of Energyzt. The panel touched on the transition from older fossil-fueled units to renewable and distributed generation, the region’s dependence on natural gas and the effect of state policies on wholesale market outcomes.
Mike Henderson, Director of Regional Planning and Coordination at ISO-NE, presented the key topics of the 2015 Regional System Plan, including the integration of renewable resources, fuel assurance measures and transmission projects that are being developed to improve electric reliability. The ISO has posted the plan in draft form and expects to issue the final report by November.
See photos from the event, below.
ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie, board chair Phil Shapiro, and VP of System Planning Steve Rourke welcome Governor Charlie Baker to the RSP public meeting in Boston
ISO-NE board chair Phil Shapiro kicks off the RSP public meeting
Governor Charlie Baker delivers the keynote address before a packed house at the ISO-NE RSP public meeting in Boston
Michael Henderson presenting the Regional System Plan
Vickie VanZandt, ISO board member and chair of the board’s System Planning and Reliability Committee, discusses the role of stakeholders in helping the ISO to develop the annual Regional System Plan
John Flumerfelt, Calpine Energy Services, poses a question
ISO-NE president and CEO Gordon van Welie, and ISO-NE board members, listen in on the discussion with stakeholders
Katie Dykes, Deputy Commissioner for Energy, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, makes a point during the panel discussion
Fred Plett, Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, poses a question during the forum
Paul Levy, ISO-NE board member, speaks with stakeholders at the public meeting
ISO-NE president and CEO Gordon van Welie, confers with Art House, Chairman of the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority at the public meeting
John Moskal, EPA Boston (far right) conversing with attendees at the RSP15 public meeting