Coming February 24: ISO-NE to release new Energy-Efficiency Measure database for resources in the FCM

Sandbox environment already open for participants with EE projects

New England is a national leader in developing energy-efficiency (EE) policies and programs. The region now has 1,500 megawatts of EE resources providing capacity in the Forward Capacity Market (FCM), and this amount is likely to increase as the six states are expected to invest more than $6 billion in EE between 2017 and 2023.

To accommodate the influx of EE resources, ISO New England has developed a new database that tracks the individual measures of the programs participating in the FCM. The Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) system will contain detailed data, such as installation dates, summer and winter savings, and lifespan. Having a system of record for this information will allow the ISO to quickly determine the capacity EE resources are providing each month as well as when energy efficiency measures will reach the end of their life.

ISO New England’s market administrators and system planners will use this data for qualification, auditing, and performance verification of resources. Market participants with EE projects will be able to use the system for reporting and other needs. Those participants can interact with the EEM system via both a web-based user interface and automated web services. The EEM is currently accessible in a “sandbox” environment; the final EEM goes live on February 24. To learn more about the database, view the presentation from the ISO’s February 4, 2015, customer training webinar.

If you have questions about the EEM, contact Customer Support at 413-540-4220 or


Market Participant Announcements
demand resources, energy efficiency, forward capacity market