ISO-NE outlines tariff revisions to comply with interregional elements of FERC Order 1000

ISO New England filed proposed tariff changes to comply with the interregional planning and cost allocation requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Order 1000 in early July 2013. With a long-standing interregional planning process among ISO New England, the New York ISO (NYISO) and PJM Interconnection already in place, the ISO believes that it has a strong foundation for compliance with the interregional elements of Order 1000. The three regions have engaged in interregional planning since they were formed in the late 1990s, with a formal planning protocol developed in 2003. On behalf of NYISO and PJM, ISO New England filed the revisions designed to bring the Northeastern ISO/RTO Planning Coordination Protocol into compliance with Order 1000. The ISO’s compliance filing includes tariff revisions to add a formal cost-allocation methodology to replace the informal process used for years by the neighboring regions.

Industry News & Developments
FERC, transmission planning