Quarterly forum helps market participants understand changes to ISO settlements/billing processes

80+ participants attend Q2 forum; Q3 forum registration opens soon
On June 13, more than 80 attendees turned out for ISO New England’s quarterly Settlements Issues Forum for Q2 2012. Launched in late 2011, these interactive, web-based meetings provide market participants information on upcoming changes to ISO processes for settlement and billing of payments and charges for various transactions in the region’s electricity markets. The forums provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions of the ISO’s subject matter experts and gain a greater understanding of information that is critical to the successful administration of the markets.
The Q2 forum highlighted new developments in Transitional Demand Response, Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Capacity Transfer Rights, FCM Demand Response Performance Incentives, and Black Start Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) payments. The presentations provided explanations of changes to settlements reports, billing, and processes, as well as helpful tools to assist market participants with settlements validations. Materials from the event are now available online.
The Q3 Settlements Issues Forum will be held on September 12, 2012. Registration for the event will be available in ISO-TEN, starting in July.
Q2 Settlements Issues Forum panelists Rachel Likover, Manager of Market Settlements, Rick Morrow, FCM Coordinator, and Nancy Plankey, Monthly Coordinator
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