Welcome to ISO Newswire


From the President and CEO, Gordon van Welie

I’d like to thank you for taking the time to view ISO New England’s new online publication, ISO Newswire.

For more than a decade, the ISO provided the participants in New England’s wholesale electricity markets with technical updates and other market and bulk-power system information through the monthly publication of our newsletter, ISO News. And for the past five years, the company issued a quarterly policy and issue-oriented newsletter called ISO New England Outlook.

Surveys conducted among subscribers of the newsletters show that these news sources served readers well. However, the “print” or pdf format of the newsletters created limitations in the timing and type of content we published. In addition, the number of market participants has increased by 125% over the past decade, the breadth and type of industry stakeholders has expanded, and interest in up-to-the-minute information from the ISO has risen significantly.

Therefore, the ISO has consolidated its news publications and transitioned to this online medium so that we can deliver more timely information, expand the topics we cover, use dynamic links to important information, and move into multimedia. ISO Newswire will now serve as single resource for news about ISO New England and the wholesale electricity industry within the six-state region.

Diverse Audience; Different Needs

Our biggest challenge in creating the Newswire was customizing it to the needs of a diverse stakeholder group, or audience, which represents many different areas of the industry with varying levels of knowledge and interest. We will do our best to regularly update this site with articles of use and importance to market participants, government regulators, legislators, and their staffs, the media, and the general public.

As with our former print publications, we will continue to provide you a broad assortment of articles that fall into the major categories you see at right under “news index by category.” You can read all of the updates on the homepage or you can sort the articles by categories or by date to find the information that interests you most. For example, market participants can now get their technical market announcements from the Market Participant Announcements category. Please read more about the mission of the Newswire and review the options for following or being notified when articles are posted to the site.

Moving to an online publication gives the ISO the flexibility to expand and improve the type of the news we provide. Therefore, it is important that you send us your feedback so that we can best tailor the content on the site to meet your needs.

ISO New England is pleased to close 2010 with the release of this publication that we hope will provide value for you in the years ahead. I wish you safe and happy holidays and look forward to working with you in 2011.

Inside ISO New England