New flexibility added to Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) application

In response to market participant feedback, ISO New England is enhancing the functionality of its Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) application, which is used to submit external transactions in the energy markets. Currently the EES only allows participants to submit one price per transaction in the Day-Ahead Energy Market, meaning participants with varying hourly prices must submit unique transactions for each individual hour. Beginning September 1, 2018, participants will be able to submit day-ahead external transactions with prices that vary by hour, consistent with the functionality available for the Real-Time Energy Market. The sandbox environment incorporating this change will be available to users on August 13, 2018.

While the display of the EES user interface will remain the same, a new start/stop row will appear any time the price or megawatt (MW) changes (see image).


Industry News & Developments, Market Participant Announcements
energy markets