ISO-NE posts update on Mystic Generating Station

The Mystic Generating Station will retire on June 1, 2024, ISO New England announced in a memo to stakeholders released on July 27. The announcement comes after the ISO reviewed the retirement of the plants two remaining units for fuel and transmission security and determined that the region’s reliability needs will be met by that time.

The ISO will discuss these findings of the reliability reviews with stakeholders at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee in August.

ISO New England had previously retained the two Mystic units for fuel security after Exelon sought to retire the plant ahead of the 13th Forward Capacity Auction, held in February 2019 for the 2022-2023 capacity year.

Since Exelon requested to retire the plant, the ISO has worked with stakeholders to ensure the transmission system remains reliable and the region has adequate electricity during periods when supply and production is limited for resources reliant on just-in-time delivery of their energy sources, such as natural gas and renewables.

The ISO filed market enhancements, known as the Energy-Security Improvements (ESI) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in April, and last week selected a project to solve the transmission issues caused by the retirement of the Mystic plant.

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generator retirement